The TimelineDirectly to
Workshop Customer Validation
Location: Intermezzo, 1st Floor15:00 - 17:30
- Join the workshop about Customer Validation.
- Customer validation is an essential phase of your project development process.
- Tests assumptions and hypotheses about the customer problem, target market, and product.
Selection Top 30
- The partner network and organization select the best teams.
- Selection is based on information provided by teams and their participation.
- The Top 30 Teams can participate in the Speed Date Event.
Workshop Validation & Pitch
Location: t.b.a.15:00 - 17:30
- Join this workshop to prepare for the Speed Date Event.
- Learn all about Validation & Pitch.
Workshop by BDO
Improving the financial paragraph in your business plan.
In this workshop the students will learn how to describe as clear as possible their expectations regarding turnover, costs, liquidity budget, necessary investments, etcetera.
Subject-matter experts of BDO will guide the teams through the relevant finance items and will answer all of their questions.
Speed Date Event
Location: Koning Willem II Stadion- An afternoon filled with brainstorming and coaching.
- Great opportunity to receive (online) face to face feedback.
- Receive more insights in the partners or teams.
Selection Finalists
- The partner network and organization select the best teams.
- The selection is based on information provided by teams and their participation.
- The finalists can participate in the Grand Finale.
Pitch Workshop
- During the pitch workshop you will receive direct feedback and tips about your pitching skills.
- This workshop is essential for all finalists and prepares you for the pitch you need to give during the Grand Finale.
Grand Finale
- During the Grand Finale the best teams will give a one-minute pitch about their entrepreneurial idea or innovative prototype.
- After the pitches, a few teams will participate in the Q&A session were the grand jury asks in depth questions.
- The afternoon will end with an award ceremony and a bunch of ecstatic students.
After Trajectory
- Contact with students or companies about further development of innovations via online dashboards.
- Co-creation between students and companies, start of innovation processes in-house and financing.
- Sprintdays during which a consultation team of students solves a challenges faced by a partner company within one day.