
We are looking for new team members with the following skills

Software Developer

Team info

Julios Colen Rocamaroon

Music Townhall Media Publishing

Business Ready

The challenge

The vibrancy of artistic creation and performance is vital for a healthy society. However, recent events have put this medium of expression at grave risk. The pandemic has affected many industries, but it has had a devastatingly negative effect, especially on the entertainment industry. Additionally, government policy changes around the COVID-19 pandemic have left many artists and related industries in shambles. And the consequences of these compounding events have had a dramatic effect on consumers' behaviour. For many art and music fans, the old way of interacting with their favorite artist or appreciating their most valuable art pieces have changed. And new innovative online forms of artistic expressions are becoming their preferred option. Yet, many organisations and artists are not leveraging and capitalising on these trends and technologies. In part due to the absence of information and awareness of these new forms of artistic expression. Especially, underserved communities, which could greatly benefit from these tech art forms, are not aware of these developments.

The solution

This online publishing platform exploring the interaction of the latest Technologies within the Music Business Industry and Art entertainment happenings aims to become a preferred informative medium addressing these latest trends and developments in real-time. In addition, the platform would aim to helps connect communities with the latest trends of innovative tech developments.

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